Tuesday 2 March 2010

Patch 009 - Release bass

Apologies to everyone for the lack of patches over the last few days but as you may have known I was finishing production on my RPM Challenge album entitled "i'm here" (I hate using capitals for my music titles for some reason!). For anyone who is interested in atmospheric electronica / folk music then check it out here.

So today's patch is a bass patch I created for one of the songs on the album  - "winter into spring". I would normally have reached for a preset but it is more satisfying that I didn't!

You can check out the song below but can I just say that I was running out of time and couldn't find a MIDI cable and so did all the synth work in single take overdubs so it is all a bit sloppy. I kind of like that though. The patch has a bit of release to it and a bit of noise to it too and the delay helped it sit with the ambient nature of the song - hope you find it useful!

Release bass

"winter into spring"

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